Our Vision

Our vision is for a low carbon, green community which is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, extraordinary urban forest and fresh, clean air. Trees for Halton Hills will encourage residents in our community to be engaged, make a positive difference and help shape a healthy environment by planting trees.

We want trees to be planted everywhere – on subdivision boulevards and hospital grounds, in backyards, on busy commercial corridors, farms, parks and in schoolyards. And we hope the trees will be all shapes, sizes and varieties and be planted by everyone.

In fact, we’re counting all the trees that are planted, with the goal of 65,000 new trees for Halton Hills. That’s one for every resident of our Town!

We launched our organization with support from the Town of Halton Hills. COVID restrictions slowed us down, but we raised money for tree planting projects such as a Native Tree Arboretum in Georgetown and school yard and park naturalization.

Want to join us? Contact us at : [email protected]